Running Gait Analysis

A running gait assessment is a powerful tool to learn about running biomechanics and can be utilized for injury prevention or to improve running efficiency. The running gait assessment 1 hour appointment that includes:

  • Injury history intake / goals

  • Functional movement assessment

  • Table Assessment to evaluate range of motion

  • Running gait assessment (~10 min of running) using RunScribe, RunEasi 3D motion capture, and slow motion video capture

  • Review / discussion of running gait

  • Running cue and/or corrective exercise recommendations

RunEasi is a 3D running gait analysis software that provides real time biofeedback on key running parameters: dynamic stability, symmetry, and impact. These key factors have been correlated to injury risk by the research. The RunEasy sensor sits on a belt that the runner will wear during the assessement. The sensor links to an iPad via bluetooth to provide real time biofeedback. This is extremely powerful for running gait retraining because it allows us to monitor parameter changes in real time and personalize the usage of running cues.

RunEasi generates a running “report card”; a percentage score that represents running efficiency & injury risk compared to the general population. This software helps us identify running asymmetries, perform speed tests to compare running efficiency at various paces, and gait retraining with real time biofeedback.

RunEasi Motion Analysis

What to expect:

  • Please come prepared with running shoes & running clothes (preferably tank top & shorts).

  • There is a lot to do in this 1 hour visit & the focus is to learn about your running mechanics. Half the session will be spent discussing the data and findings from video analysis, and the other half will be spent on optimizing running form.

  • I use running cues and/or corrective exercise depending on presentation of running form and we typically focus on 1 or max 2 things to work on at a time.

  • I do encourage follow up in 8-12 weeks (as a PT follow up appointment) to continue improving running form and ensure progress is being made.

  • This is NOT a physical therapy appointment. If you are dealing with injury and not seen a physical therapist for an evaluation, that will be a better place to start.